Several large boxes filled with hand sanitiser were found dumped on a farm near Romsey.

Test Valley Borough Council were contacted by a farmer on 21 April 2023, reporting a fly-tip on their land in Awbridge.

CCTV footage, shared with Test Valley Borough Council officers, showed a man removing boxes from his vehicle and throwing them onto the farmland.

All together, 14 large boxes containing hand sanitiser were found.

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Following a DVLA search, based on the driver's number plate, Walter Smith, 73, from Romsey, attended an interview under caution where he admitted to the offence, the council said.

Appearing at Southampton Magistrates Court on October 27, 2023, Smith was given a fine of £480 and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £192 and costs of £649.22.

Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services, Councillor David Drew, said: “We have an excellent record of catching fly-tippers across the borough and my thanks goes to the landowner who reported this incident and to our hard-working teams who achieved this result.

"There is never an excuse for fly-tipping and there are plenty of ways to dispose of your waste properly in Test Valley.”