A chapel that was trashed by mindless vandals is still closed four weeks on from the shocking incident.

Police are also yet to find to those responsible for the attack on the Grade II listed chapel at St Mary’s Extra Cemetery in Sholing last month.

Wooden furniture was smashed and thrown across the floor and many windows were shattered.

Southampton City Council confirmed the chapel is closed while repairs are discussed with English Heritage.

Daily Echo:

A spokesperson said: “St Mary Extra Cemetery’s chapel is a Grade II listed building and we therefore need to consult with English Heritage before commencing the work.

“This is underway and we hope to start rectifying the damage caused by the vandalism as soon as possible.”

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An investigation into the incident on October 29 was launched by the police, who were called to the chapel on Portsmouth Road.

But the force confirmed there is ‘no significant update’ on proceedings at this time.

The incident led to widespread shock in the local community, who could not believe anyone was capable of such mindless thuggery.

A plea for information was issued by staff from the council’s bereavement service, who described it as a ‘distressing’ act of vandalism and that the 'heart wrenching damage' had 'destroyed a piece of our local history'.

In a Facebook post, a spokesperson said: “If you have any information or have witnessed any suspicious activity around the Chapel on Sunday, October 29, we kindly ask that you come forward and share this with us or the local authorities.

“Your assistance will be invaluable to preserving our heritage.

“Please report any details to us or contact the police immediately. Together, we can assure that those responsible are held accountable.”