A group of parents have banded together to raise thousands for new play equipment at Portswood Recreational Ground.

When some equipment was removed from the park in July following a safety inspection and Southampton City Council did not replace it, Friends of Portswood Rec stepped in and have raised £2,130 out of a target of £2,500.

May Lindsay is the group's Playground Advocate.

She has two children, aged five and seven, that were devastated when the equipment was taken out of the play area.

Daily Echo: The park is now left looking bare and empty without the equipmentThe park is now left looking bare and empty without the equipment (Image: Submitted)The 36-year-old has lived in Portswood for nearly seven years.

She said: “All the children were shocked and saddened when they realised the play equipment was gone.

“One of the two pieces missing was an absolute favourite with the children; The Octopus.

“Another one of the favourites that also disappeared in the summer was the Tripod.”

Daily Echo: The Octopus was a favourite with the children that use the parkThe Octopus was a favourite with the children that use the park (Image: Submitted)

The Octopus was well known for having eight different activities, such as a fireman’s pole, slides, monkey bars and a climbing frame.

The Tripod also disappeared in July and was known for being the watch tower of the park - where children could see out on the whole field.

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The mother of two continued: “The Rec is right next to Portswood School but currently there is nothing for the ages of seven and above.

“The park looks empty and woeful. It is so important that our children play outside and socialise, particularly after years being shut away due to Covid.

"The Rec so well used and a vital part of the community and that’s why our volunteering group had to pick up the reins."

Daily Echo: The tripod was also a well loved piece of equipment that disappeared in JulyThe tripod was also a well loved piece of equipment that disappeared in July (Image: Submitted)

The group asked residents and local parents what equipment they wanted to see so it 'represents the community' and was overwhelmed at the response.

They said: “We have had a lot of replies and have now managed to get some concept designs for the new equipment.”

Daily Echo: This is the concept that has been put forward by the Friends of Portswood RecThis is the concept that has been put forward by the Friends of Portswood Rec (Image: Submitted)

May added: “I do understand that the city council are in a financial difficulty at the moment."

A Southampton City Council spokesperson said: “There are still eight pieces of useable play equipment within the play area.

“We continue to work with Friends of Portswood Rec to make a bid for funding to make improvements to the park."

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