A "highly ambitious" school where pupils "work hard and achieve exceptionally well" has been praised by Ofsted inspectors. 

Pupils and staff at Foxhills Infant School are celebrating being on the way to an outstanding rating. 

The school, which has 180 pupils on the roll, had an ungraded inspection from Ofsted at the start of November - the first inspection in nearly six years.

The school, rated 'good' at its last graded inspection in 2014, has now been told it is likely to be judged as 'outstanding' during Ofsted's next visit. 

In their report, released this week, inspectors said "pupils thrive in this highly ambitious school".

They added: "The school inspires them to do their very best. Adults are resolute in ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, have the best start to their educational journey. Pupils love coming to school. They work hard and achieve exceptionally well.

"Pupils feel safe in school. They are kind and respectful to each other. They enjoy the well-resourced outside environment, playing well together on the outside gym equipment they helped to choose."

READ MORE: Clean sweep for infant school rated outstanding in all areas

The school is said to be "rightly proud of the opportunities provided to enrich pupils' experiences" and "provides a rich curriculum that gives pupils the knowledge they need to be successful".

Pupils "behave very well" in the "calm and orderly" school. 

Headteacher Lucy Howe, pictured in the centre of the back row behind all her pupils, told the Daily Echo: "We are absolutely delighted with our Ofsted outcome. To be recognised as providing education which might have been outstanding, if we were to receive a graded inspection now, is wonderful, and reflects the school's effort and ambition for all our children. 

"All children have a right to high quality education which helps them to make excellent progress, and we have made this a reality. We are determined to provide a safe and happy environment where all children can thrive. For this to be acknowledged by inspectors, during our two-day inspection, is a wonderful achievement for us. We look forward to being reinspected soon, and continuing our great work."