A Southampton shoplifter stole more than £250 worth of soft drinks, chocolate and washing-up liquid from Co-op. 

Robbie Jones, 29, stole the items, worth a total of £286, during four thefts between March and September.

On March 24 he stole £128.80 worth of chocolates and on April 1 he took chocolate bars worth £96.70. 

He also took £35.05 worth of washing-up liquid and £25.45 worth of soft drinks during thefts on April 21 and September 10 respectively. 

READ MORE: Shoplifters walk free after targeting Eastleigh and Southampton shops

Jones, of Denzil Avenue, Southampton pleaded guilty to four counts of theft from a shop. 

He was ordered to pay £298.05 in compensation. 

No order was made for court costs.