A serial burglar who appears to be "unable to stop" broke into the same student block twice in one night - making off with a 65-inch TV.

Joseph Horgan entered the building at Back of the Walls by following students walking in.

Less than an hour later, he returned to the block in the city centre wearing different clothes.

On both occasions, he was caught on CCTV which led to his arrest.

Police say Horgan is "a repeat offender who appears unwilling or unable to stop".

He has now been jailed for two and a half years.

Two break-ins in one night

The 41-year-old first broke into the student flats at around 9.40pm on July 27.

He was seen wandering around the communal areas with a bag of tools before stealing some post and leaving via a rear window.

At 10.15pm, he was captured on CCTV entering the block again using the same window in slightly different clothes.

He then stole a 65-inch TV hanging from a wall using the tools he had and carried it out of the building.

Horgan, of Howard Road, was identified from the CCTV footage, arrested and charged with two counts of burglary.

He pleaded guilty at a hearing in November when he was remanded into custody.

Appearing at Southampton Crown Court today, he was jailed for two and a half years for breaching a suspended sentence. This had been issued for offences he committed last year.

'Prolific offender'

Police Staff Investigator Stephen Hortin of the Western Area Crime Team, who led the investigation, said: “I am pleased that justice has been served today for the victims within this student premises and also for the wider law-abiding communities of Southampton.

“Horgan is a repeat offender who appears unwilling or unable to stop causing trauma to his victims by entering their homes and stealing their valued property.

“I hope that the victims and residents of Southampton will be reassured that we have worked hard to bring this case, as well as countless others, before the court and that a prolific offender is now facing the consequences of his actions in prison.

“Furthermore, I hope that this reassures people that Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary will continue to pursue those who commit crime and make the lives of innocent people a misery and bring them to justice.”