A care home in Netley Abbey has been rated ‘inadequate’ following an inspection by the CQC.

The watchdog received concerns over the care and treatment of residents at The Gables and the management of the home in St Marys Road.

As a result, it carried out a focused inspection of the home’s safety and leadership on November 6 and 9.

Inspectors found there was no “lessons learned process” which increased the risk of incidents reoccurring.

The care home, which at the time of the inspection cared for 24 people, was rated ‘inadequate’ in safety and leadership while the service’s effectiveness was given a ‘requires improvement’ rating.

READ MORE: Care home with dirty laundry rated 'inadequate'

The report said: “Staff did not have a clear system to follow to report incidents of actual, or potential, harm.

“Reportable incidents had not always been referred appropriately to the local authority safeguarding team to ensure external scrutiny of the home.

“There was not a lesson learned process in place.”

The environment was found to not always be safe.

During the inspection a radiator had not been covered and a sharp metal pipe was exposed in an area where people walked independently.

The report added: "At this inspection the rating has changed to Inadequate. This meant people were not safe and were at risk of avoidable harm."

Incidents of harm had been reported by staff in people’s daily notes, however, inspectors found that action to reduce the risk had not been taken.

Senior staff had not always been made aware of incidents and when they had, those incidents would not be investigated or actions would not be taken to safeguard the person involved.

However, when inspectors spoke to patients at the home, they heard good feedback about staff.

The report said: “People told us they were happy and had their care needs met by care staff who knew them well.”

Heather Cardy, registered manager at The Gables, said: “Over the past month, our team has diligently worked with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to implement the changes highlighted in their report, the majority of which have now been addressed.

“CQC are due back at the start of January, and we look forward to showing them the improvements we've made to the service.”