Eight cars have been stranded due to flooding on a road under the M27 at Junction 10.

Hampshire police said: “A major flood under J10 M27 led to us having to deal with 8 stranded vehicles stuck in thigh high water.

”Regrettably had to close the junction & spur. We will reopen it just as soon as we can.”

It comes amid flooding across Hampshire and Southampton. 

One driver posted on Facebook and said: “Been sat in this since 5.10pm. Awful!

“Police were letting a few cars at a time drive over the grass central reservation!”

One social media user alerted others to the Junction 10 flood and said: “The road heading to Wickham or coming off M27 at junction 10 is flooded this evening.”

Some said the area has never been known to flood in this way.

A resident said: “I’ve lived in Fareham 30 years, have never known this area to flood like this and it’s rained more than this in the years.

”I can only assume it’s because all of the hedgerows have been removed which allows the water to just run.”