The speed limit for a road in Nursling could be slashed to improve pedestrian safety, despite the police being against it.

The proposed change for Redbridge Lane would bring the speed limit down from 40mph to 30mph, which aligns with the existing 30mph limit at either end of the road.

Hampshire County Council is considering the reduction for a 375-metre stretch outside the Bodding Avenue estate.

A report said that by reducing the speed limit, the council will “mirror” the existing speed limit for the majority of Redbridge Lane, which is subject to a 30mph speed limit due to the proximity to residential areas, the Oasis Academy School entrance, the rugby field and the car park entrance to a community green space.

It added a lower speed limit will “improve the environment” for pedestrians crossing Redbridge Lane from the residential area of Bodding Avenue, continuing along Redbridge Lane, and accessing the school, football club, and playing fields opposite.

The council said the change is considered necessary to reflect the changes in the built environment and increased traffic and pedestrians around the junctions and into the community space.

However, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary has objected to the plan.

It said speed monitoring suggested “that length of road is considered, by drivers, to be a 40mph speed limit”.

Another reason highlighted by the police was that the proposal does not fit Department for Transport guidelines on setting speed limits, as the 375-metre section falls short of the guidelines of 600-metres as a minimum speed limit zone.

This would actually increase average speeds from the existing figures as the speed limit signs would be removed and create unnecessary enforcement requests, the police said.

Unless traffic calming measures were installed, the police said that would remain against the proposal.

Despite this, the county council considered the police’s request for traffic calming “disproportionate” given the “good” safety record of the lane.

Yet, the council recognised that a single 30mph speed limit along Redbridge Lane would result in removing the current 30mph terminal signs, which “serve as prompts for drivers to slow down”.

For that reason, the highway authority will consider other measures such as speed limit reminder signs and pedestrian crossing signs to mitigate this.

If approved on Monday, January 15, by executive lead member for universal services councillor Nick Adams-King, the cost and works to introduce a 30mph speed limit would be delivered as part of the A3057 Nursling and Rownhams Junction improvements scheme.

The report said it would cost £50,000 and be funded by the company delivering the scheme.