A recent television series starring Sir David Attenborough has reignited an interest into the Jurassic Coast where a tapestry of geological wonders, prehistoric creatures, and human encounters reveal a rich and enthralling tale that stretches across numerous millennia.

Researchers from the University of Southampton appeared in the BBC documentary Attenborough and the Giant Sea Monster, which followed the process of unearthing the huge skull of a pliosaur, one of the biggest carnivorous creatures the world has ever seen.

But even this incredible discovery is just a drop in the ocean when compared to the wealth of prehistoric insight the area has and will likely continue to provide us with.

In a time long ago, known as the Triassic period, vast deserts and expansive shallow seas stretched as far as the eye could see.

The period harboured unique and basic life, but not anywhere near as abundant as the later Jurassic and Cretaceous eras.

Daily Echo: Sir David Attenborough, holding an ammonite fossil, Kimmeridge Bay, Image: Undated BBC handout photo

The fossilised remains of early archosaurs, the ancestors of dinosaurs, have been found in the red rocks. They likely hunted insects and smaller animals.

During the Jurassic period, a time of warmth and humidity, the land succumbed to the encroaching sea.

As the sea levels rose, the once vibrant landscapes were transformed into vast tropical seas, teeming with an abundance of marine life.

These layers hold the iconic fossils that earned the coast its name.

Significant changes occurred in the Earth's landscape during the Cretaceous period. Instead of shallow seas dominating the scene, lagoons and marshes took their place.

Daily Echo: Jurassic Coast, Looking East from White Nothe, Dorset, England, by Jake Pike..

Dinosaurs roamed the land, leaving occasional traces in the rocks.

Over the period of millions of years, continental movements and erosion shaped the coastline, exposing the rich geological layers we see today.

For thousands of years, the coast has acted as a magnet for human settlement, attracting diverse communities from ancient tribes to Roman settlements.

Maritime trade and fossil hunting flourished, causing fishing villages to thrive. Ports such as Lyme Regis emerged as prominent hubs in this bustling industry.

Mary Anning's fossil discoveries in the 19th century put the Jurassic Coast on the scientific map, shedding light on ancient life and sparking geological studies.

Daily Echo: Dorset Magic - Lulworth Cove on Dorset's Jurassic Coast - 100615, Picture GRAHAM HUNT HG13232.

The Jurassic Coast holds the prestigious distinction of being a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as it is widely acknowledged for its immense geological and historical importance.

In conjunction with conscientious conservation initiatives, the area experiences a thriving tourism industry.

Pick up tomorrow's Daily Echo to find out more about Mary Anning, the discoveries she made and how she helped shape our understanding of the prehistoric periods.