Staff at a pre-school near Southampton are ‘extremely pleased’ after impressing Ofsted inspectors and being awarded a ‘Good’ rating.

Woodlands Pre-School in Netley Marsh was given the positive feedback following an inspection on November 21.

Inspectors found children were keen to learn, engaged 'enthusiastically' during their time at the preschool and formed good relationships with staff.

The report said: “[Children] form strong relationships with their key person and other staff, who all know the children very well. This helps all staff support children's care and learning.”

The staff at the pre-school were also praised as they 'skilfully' weave teaching into their interactions with children.

READ MORE: School that 'pupils are proud to attend' given new rating by Ofsted

The 'ambitious' curriculum takes 'very good account' of what children already know and can do, the report said.

It added: “There is a strong focus on closing gaps in children's development, such as language skills.

“Staff provide focused language activities alongside exceptionally well-thought-out resources to support children's learning.”

The report also highlighted times when staff valued the uniqueness of children and families.

"For example, [staff] display photographs and provide words and books in other languages that children see and hear at home.

"Children develop their confidence effectively,” the report added.

Inspectors also found that the manager had a good understanding of her role, and that the staff work together to provide the best education.

The report said: “The staff team work effectively together which promotes a consistent approach to children's care and learning.

“Staff benefit from team and individual meetings and complete regular training. This helps staff to extend their knowledge and skills.

“There are some good strategies to evaluate the quality of the provision and practice.”

Lisa Shaw, the manager at Woodlands Pre-School, said: “We are so pleased with our latest Ofsted report.

“Our team of dedicated staff work extremely hard and go above and beyond to ensure our children have the best possible start during their time at Woodlands Preschool.

“We would like to thank the committee for their work behind the scenes and our parents for their continued support.”