A school is partially closed due to "exceptionally high" levels of staff absence.

Hounsdown School in Totton announced that Year 10 students will not attend school today.

The decision comes as several staff members remain unwell, meaning supervision levels must be safe by reducing student numbers on site.

Headteacher David Veal apologised for any disruption caused.

He said: “This is not a decision taken lightly and our sincere apologies for any disruption.

“If you are worried this affects the safeguarding of your young person please contact safeguarding@hounsdown.hants.sch.uk and we will contact you this morning.

“Students from all years (7,8,9,10 and 11) attending the rehearsal day for school production with Drama staff are unaffected by this decision but should stay with Drama staff only.

“There is no change to bus times or services."

He added: “I sincerely hope and expect this is very short term, affecting today only, but will keep you all updated as required.”

According to Mr Veal, Year 10 will be set specific additional work for early entry subjects Ethics and Languages.

The school is expected to reopen as normal on Monday.