Hundreds of pharmacies in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight can now treat seven common conditions.

From yesterday, the new Pharmacy First service means that pharmacies who have signed up can treat patients for shingles, sore throats, sinusitis, UTIs, middle-ear infections, infected insect bites and impetigo.

More than 270 pharmacies in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight have signed up to deliver the service, which is believed could save up to 10 million GP appointments a year.

In light of the announcement, Gosport MP Caroline Dinenage said: “We know there are massive pressures on the NHS due to the Covid backlog and Pharmacy First will help ease the burden on frontline services.

 “It uses the skills of our pharmacists to treat more people in the community without the need for a GP appointment – speeding up their own care as well as reducing pressure on local GP services.”