New CCTV cameras are being trialled in a New Forest town in a bid to crack down on crime

The new cameras have been monitoring Fordingbridge High Street for four weeks, producing high-definition images in colour. 

They also have integrated infra-red technology to enhance images at night and in low light conditions. 

During the trial, New Forest District Council will test the functionality of the 4G cameras and will approach residents and businesses for feedback. 

The area was selected for the trial as it currently doesn't have any CCTV cameras. 

READ MORE: More CCTV in Fareham to combat drug taking, vandalism and hate crimes

The council's community, safety and wellbeing boss, Cllr Dan Poole, said the trial "marks a significant step forward in our efforts to continue maintaining a secure environment for our community, fostering a sense of confidence and wellbeing for all our residents". 

"I’m delighted with how the trial is going so far and urge residents of the area to attend the community event on 22 February to find out more.

"I would like to thank Fordingbridge Town Council for their support with this vital project.” 

If the trial is successful, the council plans to expand the CCTV network across other areas that do not currently have cameras, including Fawley, Brockenhurst and Bransgore.  

The new £300,000 investment into the expansion of the CCTV network over the next two years includes additional funding from the Home Office Safer Streets Fund.

Residents interested in learning more about the trial are being invited to the meeting at Fordingbridge Town Hall at 6pm on February 22.