Burglaries at a tennis and bowling club in the New Forest have sparked a police appeal.

The two incidents are reported to have taken place between 10.00pm and 11.15pm at Lymington Tennis Club and Lymington Bowling Club in Avenue Road, Lymington, on February 5.

At Lymington Tennis Centre, a door handle was broken off in order to gain entry to the building.

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Three bags of tennis rackets were then stolen.

An hour and a quarter after the incident, a fire exit door at the rear of the Lymington Bowling Club was forced open and subsequently damaged in the process.

The clubhouse was then entered, although it’s not believed that any items were stolen on this occasion.

Officers continue to investigate these incidents and enquiries remain ongoing at this time.

A spokesperson for Hampshire Constabulary said: "Were you in the area at the time of these incidents? Did you witness anything suspicious?

"Do you have any CCTV, dash cam, doorbell camera or mobile phone footage that could assist us in our investigation?"