Internet provider toob has crashed for thousands of households across the UK.

The fibre broadband supplier, which covers Southampton and Hampshire, suffered an outage for several hours.

Posting on X, toob said: "We're aware of an issue impacting our service. We are working to fix this and hope to restore the network shortly."

But the outage has prompted a fiery backlash from customers.

One said: "Not good enough, your status page should have shown it was down from 5am this morning!"

Another added: "Website was very unhelpful when we discovered a problem. Social media very slow to get messages out. Not a great first impression when we have had Toob for just a week!"

One X poster said: "Customer communication during outages should 1) Say who is affected, 2) Why there is an issue, at a high level 3) What you are doing, Diagnosing, waiting on something, testing and 4) When you will update with latest info. You cover none of these well."