A Southampton paedophile has been jailed for 16 years for the abuse of three young girls, aged between 11 and 14. 

Simon Parker, 36, was convicted of seven offences by a jury at Southampton Crown Court. 

These were two counts of causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity, two counts of sexual activity with a child, two counts of assault of a child and one count of sexual communication with a child.

The court heard how Parker, of Parry Road, Southampton committed the offences against three girls, aged 11 to 14.

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He was arrested when his victims told police what happened but denied the offences when he was arrested. 

The case went to trial and Parker was found guilty on February 12.

He was sentenced to 16 years imprisonment on Friday. 

Parker was made subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and must register as a sex offender for life.

Detective Constable Ella Knight, of Hampshire Constabulary’s Child Abuse Investigations Team, led the investigation.

She said: “This was a complex investigation and we are thankful that Parker will now have to face the consequences of his selfish, opportunistic and predatory crimes.

"I must thank the victims for coming forward and trusting us with the details of what happened to them at the hands of Parker – it is their courage and bravery which means that justice has now been served and Parker cannot do this to anybody else.

“I sincerely hope that this sentence begins to bring some closure to those he has affected, whose worlds have understandably been turned upside down by what has happened to them.

"I also hope that it helps others who have suffered similar abuse to find the confidence to come forward and speak to the police knowing their voices will be heard and that there is support available.”

Anyone who has any concerns about child abuse should contact us on 101, or call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

Anyone who has experienced abuse in childhood, or is concerned about a child, can contact the NSPCC helpline, confidentially, on 0808 800 5000. Alternatively, you can email help@nspcc.org.uk. Children can contact Childline on 0800 1111.