A pre-school was deemed ‘outstanding’ in two areas following an Ofsted inspection.

Whalley Pre School Playgroup, on Station Road, caters for 38 pupils and underwent an inspection in February. The school’s overall rating was ‘good’.

The report said, ‘leaders provide an effective curriculum with the highest priority given to promoting children's personal, social and emotional development.’ 

It said: “All children, including those who have lower starting points than others, make exceptional progress in this area of learning. The environment is calm and children smile as they arrive, making a very confident start to their day. They benefit from a highly effective key-person system. 

“As a result of the very strong bonds formed, children feel safe and staff have an expert understanding of their individual needs and personalities. This supports them to learn well. Staff teach children to be independent right from the start. 

“Children quickly learn to put on their coat and shoes and to manage their personal hygiene. Staff also promote children's social skills and behaviour exceptionally well. 

“They specifically plan opportunities for children to participate in group activities, such as circle time. Children swiftly learn how to sit with others in a group and to focus. This supports their learning well.”

Children's highly ‘independent behaviours and positive attitudes’ gave ‘them an excellent foundation to support other aspects of their learning’. 

The report said: “There are strong arrangements in place to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and those who speak English as an additional language. 

“Staff consider children's differing backgrounds and experiences when planning and delivering the curriculum. 

“Barriers and gaps in children's learning are identified early and all children receive targeted support when needed. This supports all children to make good overall progress.”

The report added: “Leaders ensure that staff's well-being is prioritised. Staff comment that they 'have never worked anywhere better'. This helps to ensure that the environment is a happy, positive and friendly place for children to learn. 

“Parents say that relationships with staff are extremely strong. Tailored support has been particularly successful in helping parents to develop strategies to manage children's behaviour. 

"Parents benefit from regular coffee mornings, where they socialise with other parents and gain advice and guidance. This helps them to better support children's learning at home.”