A school in Romsey has been rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted after the school's most recent visit from inspectors.

Romsey Primary School on Mercer Way currently has 337 pupils on its roll and was last subject to an inspection in October 2018.

Within the report, the inspector praised the school staff’s commitment in making sure pupils achieve their best in all aspects of their education and the school’s focus on preparing pupils for the future.

The inspector said: “A highlight for many is the chance to be named ‘incredible of the week’.

Daily Echo: “This inspires pupils to work hard in lessons and try their best. Older pupils leave school ready for the demands of secondary education.

“Pupils learn to be advocates for themselves and others. For example, ambassadors take pride in helping younger pupils read and organising sports events.

“These and other roles teach pupils to be responsible and develop leadership skills.”

The inspector also praised the school’s ability to quickly act on gaps in pupil’s knowledge and deal with poor student behaviour.

The inspector added: “The school has strengthened its approach to early reading following a dip in the 2023 phonics outcomes. Pupils are now doing better than previously.

“For the most part, staff provide pupils with the help they need to experience success. A minority of pupils present with more challenging behaviour. Staff manage this well.”

Headteacher of Romsey Primary School, Jason Anderson, said: “We are delighted that the hard work of everyone in the Romsey Primary School family has been recognised by Ofsted. 

Daily Echo: “This achievement reflects our commitment to providing high-quality education and a supportive environment for all. 

“The report highlights the children are proud to show how incredible they are in all aspects of learning. 

“We are especially pleased that the inspection team saw happy pupils, the ambitious and purposeful learning we provide, our very high attendance and a sharp focus on reading. 

“Even though there is a huge amount to celebrate, we will continue our drive to be even better and are looking forward to the next steps.”