A concerned parent has called for a Hedge End school and the police to do more after a group of school girls were flashed in a play field near the school.

Parent Louise Hayman says she fears for her daughter's safety after the incidents.

On Tuesday, May 7, Wildern School sent an email to parents after a group of school girls were reportedly flashed in Turnpike Way Pavilion and Cricket Ground.

The day after the initial email to parents, the school sent another email where a man was described to have been photographing pupils outside the school gates.

Hampshire Police has now issued an appeal in an attempt to identify the culprit and has increased patrols in the area.

But Louise told the Echo: "The school and the police need to step up to stop these incidents happening.

Daily Echo: Wildern parent, Louise Hayman Wildern parent, Louise Hayman (Image: Submitted)"My daughter walks home from school on her own and I fear for her safety knowing that these criminals are hanging around near the school at the end of the day."

The mother, whose daughter is in Year 9, said that she fears for her daughters safety as this is not the first incident of indecent exposure.

Wildern School also posted on Facebook about an incident on September 12, 2022, where two students were flashed at around 8.55am in Coldsfoot Pond near the school.

There was another incident of exposure, for which the school also emailed parents, on October 4, 2023 in a footpath opposite the school, known to students as ‘Stoney.’

Louise continued: "I want to see more police patrolling the area around the end of the day – and it would not hurt for some of the teachers to do a quick walk in the local area.

"I think the school should also hold an assembly to brief students on what to do if they have any concerns or find themselves in an encounter with one of these predators."

The mother said that her daughter enjoys learning at Wildern and that overall, she thought the school was "fantastic" with regards to learning and teaching.