Armed officers were seen responding to the incident in Northam on Tuesday night.

Police remain on the first floor of Kent House, in Kent Street, Southampton, amid a large cordon being in place.

Around three armed response vehicles were seen at the incident.

The air ambulance landed at the nearby park on Radcliffe Road.

READ MORE: Police in Kent Street, Southampton, as cordon is put in place - live

Daily Echo: Police in Kent House.Police in Kent House. (Image: Other)

A woman on the estate has told the Echo she saw a man arrested and then released.

The 28-year-old said: "I saw loads of police cars and ambulance.

"There was tape around a few blocks. It was still being taped up when I went back out.

"They arrested someone but let him go very quickly.

"It's still under investigation and there is still a lot of police and investigators."