Government amendments to the Criminal Justice Bill have been praised by Gosport MP, Caroline Dinenage.

The amendments including critical subjects - "cuckooing" and non-consensual creation of sexual images of adults - were added into the Bill.

"Cuckooing", put forth by MP for Chingford and Woodford Green, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, aims to counter criminal tactics of exploiting vulnerable individuals' homes for illicit activities.

Additionally, the New Clause 86, proposed by Romsey and Southampton North MP, Caroline Nokes, criminalises the non-consensual creation of explicit adult imagery.

Both clauses integral to the Bill are set for further discussion on June 4.

Caroline Dinenage MP said: "It has been great to see cross-party efforts to introduce legislation to protect people from serious crime.

"I supported these changes because they will fill gaps where legislation has not kept up with reality. Once passed, they will be vital in modernising our criminal justice system.

"I am glad that the Government has worked with us to introduce this important legislation, and I thank them and my colleagues for their engagement on the matter."