We have stumbled across some unidentified pictures from 1984 and we are hoping our readers may be able to shed some light on them.

Do you recognize the location or people in the images? Have you ever seen similar photos from the 1980s?

Any details you can glean from the fashion, hairstyles, or objects in the pictures could be helpful. If you have any information, please leave a comment below.

Daily Echo: Southampton Game Fair in 1984? We don't think so!

The pictures were marked up as 'Southampton Game Fair', an event we were not even aware was a thing and perhaps a mistake.

It's certainly a rural festival of some kind, but which is unclear.

Daily Echo: Southampton Game Fair in 1984? We don't think so!

The pictures are also labelled as being taken in July 1984.

Thanks in advance for your help. Together, we can crack the code of these mystery photos!