The new mayor of Fareham has been appointed at the mayor making ceremony in Titchfield Common.

Held at the Waypoint Church on Thursday, May 16, the ceremony saw councillor for Fareham Crofton, Cllr Pal Hayre, chosen as the Mayor of Fareham.

Her husband, Narinder Hayre, will support her as mayor’s consort.

This year, the mayor will be supporting the animal charity Stubbington Ark.

Mayor of Fareham, Councillor Pal Hayre, said: "It is a great honour to be the new Mayor or Fareham.

“I have lived and worked in the Borough for 28 years and I am delighted to be serving my community for the next year, alongside my husband Narinder.

“As a pet owner myself, my mayoral charity is very close to my heart, and I look forward to the opportunity to raise awareness and support for the fantastic Stubbington Ark."

Stubbington Ark is one of the largest RSPCA animal centres in the UK and is based in Fareham.

The mayor will support and represent the charity in its commitment to rehoming for all types of animals including dogs, cats, small animals, wildlife, farmstock and even some exotic creatures.

The new Mayor's Cadet for 2024/25 is Able Cadet Connor Martin, from Warsash Sea Cadets.

Connor will take part in various duties to support Cllr Hayre throughout the coming year, including attending civic events, wreath bearings and church readings.

The council also confirmed its new administration at a council meeting on Thursday, May 16.

Councillor Simon Martin was confirmed as the new executive leader of Fareham Borough Council and executive member for policy and resources, while the remaining executive members were appointed as follows:

  • Councillor Ian Bastable: Deputy Executive Leader and Executive Member for Streetscene
  • Councillor Joanne Burton: Executive Member for Health and Public Protection
  • Councillor Fred Birkett: Executive Member for Housing
  • Councillor Malcolm Daniells: Executive Member for Planning and Development
  • Councillor Connie Hockley: Executive Member for Leisure and Community