A school in Hedge End is celebrating being a ‘Good’ school after a recent visit from Ofsted inspectors. 

On March 19 and 20, Kings Copse Primary School, on Kings Copse Road in Hedge End, had a visit from Ofsted for the first time since October 2018.

Within the report, the inspector credited the school’s values of ‘respect, independence, resilience, collaboration, motivation and curiosity’ and said the values are embedded into students' daily learning and activities.

In the report, the inspector wrote: “They [pupils] know that adults will listen and help them with any worries.

“Pupils learn to play together kindly and look after each other. New pupils quickly make friends.

“As one pupil commented: ‘The best thing about Kings Copse is that it’s really friendly.’”

Ofsted said Kings Copse Primary has high standards for every pupil and is credited as having an ‘ambitious’ curriculum.

But, the inspector added that staff do not have consistently high standards with regards to written work in class.

The inspector added: “Pupils produce quality work in many subjects that supports them to secure their learning and remember more over time.

“However, at times, staff do not have consistently high expectations of pupils’ written work. As a result, their work in some subjects lacks pride and is not reflective of their high level of understanding.”

The Hedge End primary school was also praised for having teaching adapted for students with special educational needs (SEND).

Writing in the report, the inspector added: “Staff use careful identification to ensure that these pupils receive help that is appropriate to their needs.

“As a result, most pupils with SEND are making good progress from their starting points.

“Lessons are adapted strongly to help pupils with vision impairment access the curriculum effectively, including with the use of Braille.”

Headteacher Hayley Ferguson said: “We are very proud of the hard work of both children and staff at Kings Copse Primary as our school continues to be a good school.”

The school has 226 pupils, aged from four to 11-years-old.