A passionate young girl is determined to reinstate a lollipop lady on a ‘dangerous’ road to school.

Jessica Tyrrell, 9, was shocked to discover her local lollipop lady on Hobb Lane resigned following planned cuts by the council.

The Freegrounds Junior School pupil put her thinking cap on and decided to launch a petition – with help from her mum Katrina Tyrrell.

Katrina said: “Jessica was upset – as we all are – that the lollipop lady resigned, and the council decided it was not worth replacing her.

“The council is on a cost-cutting mission and Jessica kept saying this was not ok.

“I suggested she write to the council, and last week she brought me her Brownie Badge book.

“One of them was about creating a petition, so I suggested she make one to bring the lollipop lady back.

“Jessica then set it up on change.org and she has since received over 230 signatures.”

Daily Echo: Jessica Tyrrell, 9 has launched a petition to reinstate a lollipop lady on Hobb Lane in Hedge End

She has also been rallying supporters on the morning school run and gained 88 paper signatures on Monday morning alone.

And with support for Jessica’s cause continuously rolling in, both she and Katrina feel optimistic about the future.

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Katrina said: “The lollipop lady has been there since Jessica was born; she is always there.

“Jessica recently started doing part of the walk to school by herself, but now she can’t do that anymore since the lollipop lady left.

“The road is not safe, and Jessica knows it is safer with the lollipop lady there. It is dangerous without her.

“We are hoping to get more signatures in the next couple of days.”

As of earlier this year, Hampshire County Council provided 184 School Crossing Patrols (SCPs).

A consultation was launched to remove school crossing patrols where ‘we believe it is safe to do so’.

The Hobb Lane location was one of 17 locations proposed for withdrawal.

Hampshire County Council has been contacted for a comment.

Visit www.change.org/p/reinstate-a-lollipop-person-for-freegrounds-schools-on-hobb-lane-hedge-end to sign Jessica's petition.