“My parents feel guilty for sending me to the college."

These are the words of a former student at a Hampshire college, whose life has been “destroyed” after being given infected blood.

Gary Webster, from Eastleigh, who attended Lord Mayor Treloar College in Alton said his life was changed forever after attending the boarding school from the ages of 10 until 18.

The now 59-year-old, who suffered from haemophilia, was given blood transfusions and was later told at the age of 17 he was HIV positive.

Speaking of the effects this has had on him, the Eastleigh dad, who went on to qualify as a tailor for Moss Bros before having to retire for medical reasons in 2011, said: “This tragedy at Treloar was disgusting and should never have happened. It has destroyed all our lives.”

It comes after the final report of the Infected Blood Inquiry found that children were used as “objects for research” while the risks of contracting hepatitis and HIV were ignored at the specialist school where boys were treated for haemophilia.

The government announced on Tuesday that a compensation scheme would be implemented and that victims would receive interim payments of £210,000 while it is set up.

Daily Echo: Gary WebsterGary Webster (Image: Gary Webster)

Gary, who has been fighting for justice for years and who gave evidence at the Infected Blood Inquiry, said: “We have been campaigning for 20 years on and off trying to get somewhere.

“There has been a number of small inquiries but it would never get anyone but this one was damning for the government, the school and the doctors.

“It has been a long hard fight.”

He added: “My parents feel guilty for sending me to the college. They thought I was going to be looked after but that never happened."

On Monday, the Prime Minister issued a “wholehearted and unequivocal” apology to the victims saying it was “a day of shame for the British state”.

The former Red Cross volunteer advisor said the PM "seemed genuinely apologetic".

Yesterday, Paymaster General John Glen laid out plans for government compensation to victims.

Interim payments of £210,000 would be made within 90 days to “living infected beneficiaries” as a new body, the Infected Blood Compensation Authority, is launched to administer the scheme.

The first final payments are expected to be made before the end of the year and will be exempt from income, capital gains tax and inheritance tax.

Speaking after the announcement, Gary welcomed the interim payment but urged the government to move quickly.

These are made through the Infected Blood Support Schemes (IBSS).