Cultures across Southampton will be brought together in a new united community group.

Southampton Global Fusion is a new group being launched by the trustees of the Edmund Kell, whom work with cultural community groups in Southampton.

Both Sam Tudjaroglu and Jake Radwell are helping to organise Southampton Global Fusion.

Their ambition is to unite all cultural communities across the city with the goal of strengthening bonds between these groups.

Daily Echo: Sam Tudjaroglu and Jake Radwell Sam Tudjaroglu and Jake Radwell (Image: NQ)Sam is a trustee of the Edmund Kell and organiser of the Southampton Ukrainian group, while Jake has a background in festival organising and has helped out organising Pride events in the city – such as Pride In The Park.

Sam said: "We recognised there were a number of cultural groups in Southampton such as Hong Kong, Ukrainian, Turkish and Iranian groups dotted across the city.

"What we also noted was that there was no group where people of all cultures come.

"Our goal is to bring all these communities together and celebrate what makes each of these brilliant cultures unique.

"Whether that is through language, cooking or traditions – we want to create a hub for all culture to come together in Southampton."

The group is planned to meet weekly as a community group and once a month attendees will be welcomed to activities events which may include, cookery, heritage or fashion.

The Edmund Kell Church already hosts an array of community groups and social activities and as a trustee, Sam said: “We are proud to support such vibrant community engagement.”

Sam added that when reaching out to some cultural groups, some were a little hesitant and said that that’s why him and Jake wanted to do this.

Jake added: "Southampton is a brilliant, vibrant community but we felt there is too much splintering going on – we want to bring all these cultures together.

"It is hoped that the soft launch of this community group will make way for a large festival to celebrate all these cultures next year."