Three generations of a family have skydived to mark the first anniversary of the death of a Romsey teenager.

Clive, Scott and Aimee Wilson jumped 10,000 feet on Saturday, May 18 at Old Sarum airfield, exactly one year after 19-year-old George Dillon died. 

George, of Romsey Road, Ower, died from a catastrophic brain injury in a car crash last May.

Daily Echo: George DillonGeorge Dillon (Image: Contributed)

In the wake of the tragedy, George's family set up the George Dillon Only a Dream Away CIC to help survivors and the families of people with traumatic and acquired brain injuries become more independent via mobility aids, therapies, home adaptations and respite care.

Family friend Clive, who lives in Nomansland, decided to skydive with his son Scott and granddaughter Aimee, who both live in Totton, to raise money for the cause. 

Daily Echo: Scott Wilson

George's mother Angela Dillon said: "Clive, Scott and family together with their team at SES Autoparts have been incredibly supportive since we lost George offering help in so many ways.

"They have offered so much valued advice and guidance for the charity and have been a great comfort to our family. When Clive called to say himself, Scott and Aimee would be undertaking a ‘Three Generation Sky Dive’ to help raise funds for George’s charity we were in shock.

"We struggle every day in the knowledge our loving son can never come home and miss him so much.

"It has now been a whole year since the day that ripped our family apart yet it feels like yesterday.

"Our fundraising venture is just beginning and we have had an incredible amount of support, messages of encouragement, people fundraising on our behalf, donations and offers of help from our community and beyond.

"We can’t thank everyone enough, this has given us strength and determination to keep pushing forward in the hope that we can reach those needing help in honour of our son."

The skydive has raised £610 so far, with donations still coming in. 

Clive said they were concerned about the weather on the day, but were lucky as the weather held.  

After an induction and a practice with their individual instructors, they were off. 

Daily Echo: Scott, Aimee and Clive Wilson

Clive said: “First out the door was Aimee, as she had her own camera lady filming her down. I followed bumping onto the floor and shuffling up to the edge of the door.

“Head back, legs back and hips out and whoosh! What speed flying through the clouds at 125 mph for 30 seconds towards the ground, no time to worry just enjoy the rush.

"Then the instructor pulled the rip chord and we shot up in the sky legs dangling to enjoy an amazing view, Old Sarum, Salisbury Town FC, open fields and countryside.

"I could see the other seven jumpers around then the approach into the runway-legs up for landing and a smooth slide over the grass to finish off. Falling back as the adrenalin wore off.

“Lots of smiling faces as we watched Scott come down last. The three of us all high-fiving, a great way to bond with the family."

To donate to the fundraiser, visit