Residents across the country will be heading to the polls on July 4.

Following Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s decision to call for a snap General Election yesterday afternoon, the country will now be given the chance to vote for a new government.

The Daily Echo asked people in Southampton for their thoughts on the upcoming general election, and whether the Southampton-born Prime Minister made the correct decision.

Colin Briggs, 71, said: “I think as a nation, we’ve reached the point where we want a box that says none of the above.

"I don’t think any of the particular parties have caught the imagination of the British public as a whole.

“People hate the Conservatives. Labour don’t excite people in the way that they might have done in the past.

"The Liberal Democrats — there’s a big question mark there as far as people are concerned. I also don’t think it’s the right moment for The Green Party either so.

"If you are a Conservative supporter, I expect you will be very much in the minority.”

Peter Culley, 84, said: “Personally, I wouldn’t like to change mid-stream. I’m of an age where I remember the last three Labour governments and every one was a disaster. It really was a disaster. They cannot be trusted."

Peter went on to say: “I’d much rather that we didn’t change right now, I don’t know why he’s doing it but he’s in a position where he thinks it’s right so you’ve got to accept that.

"He should have waited till next year. Things will have quietened down a lot. Hopefully all these wars around us will have calmed down and things steady up but I think it was the wrong decision.”

When asked whether it was the right time to change parties, Peter added: “No, we need a bit longer for Conservatives but if we don’t get it, we will have to put up with four years of Labour.”

Chloe Boyne, a 20-year-old student, said: “It’s come as such a surprise to be honest.

"I was just scrolling through Twitter yesterday, and there were suddenly all these reports flooding in that there was going to be a general election.

"It could be a really significant one too as it could be the first time in a while that we see the Tories overruled. It definitely came as a big shock.”