Maritime UK Solent is urging maritime and marine professionals to offer their expertise as volunteers during Volunteers' Week, taking place June 3-9.

The free online Maritime Ambassadors Event scheduled for June 6, is part of the national Inspiring the Future campaign, where volunteers share industry experiences with young people.

The event will detail volunteering as a Maritime Ambassador, illustrate the effect of current ambassadors, and platform contributors helping to shape the future of the maritime industry by inspiring youth to pursue maritime careers.

Claire Hogan, marine services SHE-Q officer and current maritime ambassador, said: "I highly recommend becoming an Ambassador for Careers in Maritime. It is so rewarding to share your life experiences with those yet to experience life and educate them about what is available to them in the world of work. Particularly in the Solent region, I love the look on children's faces when they realise that they have career options in the maritime industry."