The following cases have been heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court...

SCOTT JONES, 35, of Tickleford Drive, Southampton pleaded guilty to drink driving in Tickleford Drive, Southampton. He was caught with 54 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath. Jones was banned from driving for 15 months and fined £369. He was also ordered to pay £85 court costs and a £148 surcharge.

GEMMA DUNCAN, 34, of Beech Crescent, Hythe admitted drink driving on Stoneham Way, Southampton. She was caught with 48 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath. Duncan also pleaded guilty to driving without insurance. She was disqualified for 16 months and fined £120. Duncan must also pay £40 court costs and a £48 surcharge.

MATTHEW STEVENS, 23, of Southampton Road, Cadnam pleaded guilty to theft from a shop. This relates to a bottle of perfume worth £70 that was stolen from Superdrug. Stevens was ordered to pay £70 compensation and a £40 fine. 

Read our previous court round-up here

MARTYN GODDARD, 37, of Phildren Rue, Maige Vale admitted charges of assault by beating, failing or refusing to provide a sample for a Class A drug test, failing to comply with a section 35 direction excluding him from Southampton City Centre and going equipped for theft. He also pleaded guilty to two counts of theft from a shop after he stole items worth £98.45 from Tesco in Eastleigh and alcohol and food worth £89.50 from Asda. Goddard was jailed for 12 weeks and was ordered to pay £50 compensation, £50 court costs and a £154 surcharge. 

JACK PAGE, 24, of Fleming Avenue, North Baddesley pleaded guilty to drink driving on Banister Road, Southampton. He was caught with 45 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath. Page was banned from driving for 14 months and fined £120. He was ordered to pay £40 court costs and a £48 surcharge.