“Miss Southampton will be beautiful, intelligent, charming, graceful and confident. She will be a kind, caring person able to communicate with people from all walks of life.”

That was the mission statement for the Miss Southampton Competition held at NV nightclub on May 25, 2005.

But, as the Echo pointed out at the time, the idea of beauty contests seemed an old-fashioned concept - although not everyone shared that view.

Daily Echo: Miss Southampton 2005 Debbie Clayton (centre) with runners up Charlotte August (left) and Peace White (right)Miss Southampton 2005 Debbie Clayton (centre) with runners up Charlotte August (left) and Peace White (right) (Image: Echo)

Those who took part enjoyed the occasion and made it known that they thought there was nothing wrong with beauty contests.

Nineteen competitors paraded through the club in classy evening wear, flowing ball gowns and colourful swimsuits.

Daily Echo: Some of the many guests at the event.Some of the many guests at the event. (Image: Echo)

It was a glamorous evening, watched by friends, family and supporters, and with pop music pulsating from the speakers.

In the end, 20-year-old Debbie Clayton from Milford on Sea was a deserving winner and went on to represent Southampton at the Miss England contest later that year.