Southampton Mental Health Network, a Southampton City Council-supported charity, calls upon quiz enthusiasts to sign-up for its Quiz & Supper Evening on July 23.

The charity, rooted in creating a mental health-friendly Southampton, hosts the event at Board in the City CiC.

The charity's mission is to promote understanding and support for individuals facing mental health challenges, foster wellbeing, and enhance mental health awareness in the city.

The event presents an opportunity for conversation and support about Mental Health in welcoming spaces.

Chair of the charity’s Board of Trustees, Sue Hayward, who is also a mental health educator and trainer, said: "Proceeds from our Quiz & Supper Evening will go towards us hosting a Friends, Family & Carers Event in the autumn for people who currently support someone with poor mental health, so they can find out what resources are available for them in our city.

"It will also let them know Southampton Mental Health Network exists and has a website where people can be signposted to find the help they might need."

Tickets for the charity Quiz & Supper Evening, priced at £18 per person, grant attendees access to the quiz and include a main meal, with funds raised going towards the charity.

Advanced booking is prerequisite, with online reservations via

The supper for the evening will feature chilli with nachos, alongside a vegetarian option.

A licensed bar will be available during the evening as well.

Besides the quiz and supper, a fundraising raffle is part of the evening's events - an assortment of prizes donated by businesses in the city and the surrounding county await winners.

Enterprises interested in donating prizes are encouraged to contact the charity’s administrator at

Raffle proceeds will also contribute to the charitable work of the group.

Southampton Mental Health Network, consisting of over 100 member organisations part of its development, initiated operations publicly in 2019 and achieved charity status in September 2022.

The charity Quiz & Supper Evening for the benefit of its Friends, Family & Carers Event takes place at Board in the City, 38-40 Onslow Road, Southampton, on Tuesday, July 23 from 7pm-10pm.