For bookworms, there's a certain magic to a signed copy. It's a tangible connection to the author, a personalized memento of a beloved story.

Throughout history, book signings have become events in themselves, attracting passionate readers and generating excitement for new releases.

Early book signings were likely smaller affairs, with authors meeting readers at bookstores or literary events.

(Image: Echo)

However, as literature gained popularity, so did the spectacle of the book signing.

Authors with massive followings can now draw crowds that rival rock concerts, with fans camping out overnight for a chance to meet their literary heroes.

JK Rowling's Harry Potter signings were legendary, attracting legions of devoted fans, many in costume. In 2015, Barack Obama's signing for his memoir drew a record-breaking line that snaked for miles.

(Image: Echo)

Here in Hampshire, our signings may not have attracted quite as many fans, but it's not uncommon for them to entice hundreds of book lovers.

These pictures show famous faces at book signings in the county 20 years ago in 2004.