A DISABLED man had to phone for help after being left in agony on a Southampton street following a parking row.

Police, paramedics and members of his family found John Ely lying on his back, unable to move and speak.

He was detained in hospital for five days from the effects of a fall.

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The city crown court heard the 62- year-old had undergone an operation four years ago to release a nerve causing numbness in his leg, but it had not been successful and he was left with constant pain in his back.

However, he was able to walk a short distance without the aid of crutches.

Prosecutor Carl Anderson said Mr Ely had driven to see friends at a property he owns in Hatley Road where he parked on yellow lines, opposite the flats and displayed his disabled badge.

A woman confronted him about the way he had left his vehicle and accused him of pretending to be disabled, before he went into the flats.

Mr Ely came out half an hour later and was approached by the woman’s husband, Kenneth Bowen, who shouted: “Don’t tell my wife to shut up!”

Mr Ely was slapped in the face by Bowen, who then drove off, leaving him in the road.

Bowen, of Hatley Road, who admitted causing actual bodily harm, was ordered to pay Mr Ely £500 compensation and carry out 80 hours’ unpaid work