SINCE my childhood days of reading Enid Blyton, I have always rather fancied the idea of running away with the circus.

But when I was told this would involve somehow clambering inside a rather small balloon, lack of oxygen was a major concern!

But I needn’t have worried.

Clown Sal Salangsang made the trick seem so easy and so much fun that I had a fantastic time at the fair.

The balloon was pumped with air and I quickly popped my head inside, the latex mouth of the balloon gently closing around my neck to keep the air in.

My arms and the rest of my body followed suit and all I needed was a quick spin around inside and for my head to pop back out of the hole.

From inside you can merrily bounce around to your heart’s content.

Sal does the trick daily as he travels the world as the frontman of Le Grand Cirque’s new Fantazie show, which is playing at The Mayflower this week.