A MAN who was left with a knife embedded in his face after a street brawl is recovering well, according to detectives.

Officers leading the inquiry into how the man suffered the horrific injury say that he came through surgery well and was last night able to talk to them about the attack.

The 34-year-old remained sedated overnight on Sunday after surgery to remove the blade – which was impaled in his face – before he regained consciousness and was taken off the critical list.

As previously reported by the Daily Echo, the father-of-one was seriously injured when trouble flared between two men at Maplin Road in the Millbrook area of Southampton.

The victim, from Totton, was in the Saints pub earlier in the evening and detectives say that they are still trying to piece together events that led up to the stabbing in the early hours of Saturday.

It is thought that a group of up to 15 people were in the area at the time of the assault and that minor scuffles had been breaking out in the moments before the attack.

Det Sgt Lee Macarthur said: “We know that there were people in that area who can help us piece together the exact circumstances of this incident. I would urge anyone who hasn’t already spoken to police to come forward.”

Two men, aged 23 and 31, were arrested in connection with the assault and both now have been released after being questioned on suspicion of wounding with intent.

However, in relation to a separate incident, detectives have charged the 31-year-old man with carrying a bladed article and remanded him in custody.

Anyone with information can contact Shirley CID on 0845 045 4545.