CALMER waters on the hottest weekend of the year so far have given Hampshire rower Will Turnage,

pictured far right, and his three crewmates an easier few days as they continue their world record attempt to row non-stop around the British coastline.

Now heading away from the coast of Northern Ireland, the Daily Echo reported on Friday how the

26-year-old company director from Sway in the New Forest and his team were battling near 50ft waves as they rowed through the Irish Sea.

A spokesman for the group said: "They had a rough time with some large waves a couple days ago as they came near the Isle of Man, but the calmer weather has seen them move north to the coast of Belfast without any trouble."

On board the 23ft craft Outward Bound, the four oarsmen have rowed more than 400 miles of their 2,110 mile challenge to raise money for the Outward Bound Trust, which helps young people fulfil their potential through outdoor challenges, and Leukaemia Research. Will is joined by three Grenadier Guards and they are hoping to raise £1m for the charities.

The four oarsmen started their journey from Tower Bridge in London on June 7 and will spend up to five weeks rowing 24 hours a day for the attempt.

Yesterday they were off the coast of Scotland.