Hamble villagers are to have a big say in mapping out the future of the internationally famous yachting mecca.

The parish council is inviting residents to help prepare a parish plan.

Parish plans are part of a government-sponsored initiative to help breathe new life into rural communities.

It also helps local people develop their own neighbourhoods in the way they want.

Key to the project is that every person living or working in the community will have a say - from toddlers to the most senior parishioners.

Writing in the latest village magazine, parish clerk Kate Cullen says: "This is a great opportunity for our village.

"The important thing about this scheme is that everyone gets a chance to contribute.

"When the plan is drawn up it will be there as concrete evidence to support our applications for grants towards improvements."

The parish council is writing to all groups in the village asking them to put forward their ideas about how Hamble should look and run itself in the future.

There will also be a questionnaire for every household to fill in.

The first public meeting about the parish plan will be on Thursday June 16, starting at 7.30pm, in the Hamble Village Memorial Hall.