BOB GELDOF has urged the south's sailors and boat owners to ferry thousands of demonstrators across the Channel to join Britain's biggest ever protest rally.

The Band Aid founder wants one million people to converge on Edinburgh for the opening of the G8 economic summit at Gleneagles Hotel on July 6.

And he hopes a massive flotilla of vessels will cross to France to pick up an army of protesters to swell numbers in the Scottish capital.

The Irishman wants the flotilla plan - to be known as Sail 8 - to stir poignant memories of the wartime D-Day operation.

Meanwhile planes, trains and coaches provided by international companies will help ensure a vast crowd welcomes the leaders of the eight richest nations on July 6.

Record-breaking yachts-woman Ellen MacArthur, who is based in Cowes on the Isle of Wight, is supporting the Sail 8 campaign and Geldof hopes she will lead home the flotilla which could number several hundred vessels. The fleet could return to Southampton after forming a symbolic circle in the Channel to resemble the white wristband of the Make Poverty History campaign.

Hollywood star John Travolta, who pilots his own private Boeing 707, is also believed to be involved in flying people into Britain.

Details of the Sail 8 operation - including how to register boats, sailing times and the ports involved - were due to be disclosed by Geldof today in Swanwick by the River Hamble.

Geldof's latest iniative follows last week's unveiling of Live 8 which will see the world's biggest stars performing at free concerts in London, Philadelphia, Rome, Berlin and Paris on July 2 - four days before the G8 summit begins.

Geldof views the concerts as a "rallying point" for a "Long Walk to Justice" which will begin the following day and involve people from around the world converging on Edinburgh.

The former Boom-town Rat, given an honorary knighthood for his charity work in 1986, said: "This is our chance to make sure the G8 leaders understand that we will not stand by and watch them do nothing - again. I want everyone who's got access to a boat to set sail on July 3, and be part of the Long Walk to Justice. I want to see a recreation of D-Day - but this time the action is on poverty. This is the rich world on the move in support of those who can barely crawl."

He added: "We call on the sailing community to act now. To take part individuals should encourage their community to set sail across the Channel, then walk and travel by any means towards Edinburgh. The G8 leaders have it within their power to alter history. They will only have the will to do so if tens of thousands of people show them that enough is enough. By doubling aid, fully cancelling debt, and delivering trade justice for Africa, the G8 could change the future for millions of men, women and children."

Geldof's rock pal Midge Ure is helping arrange the Edinburgh operation and he has called on residents, hotels, guest houses, churches, mosques and synagogues to throw open their doors to accommodate the travelling hordes.

Geldof said: "It is at times like this that the power of individuals, coming together to tell their leaders what they believe in, can make the politicians make the big decisions that will make the lasting difference.

"Politicians respond to public opinion and public opinion needs to be heard more loudly and clearly in the next few weeks than it has ever been before. The Long Walk to Justice will culminate on the eve of the G8 Summit on Wednesday, July 6 before the eyes of the world turn to those eight men in that one room - one final chance to say now is the time, this is the year, YOU can make poverty history."

Geldof's plan to besiege Edinburgh has already sparked concerns that troublemakers will hijack the event.

Special Branch officers are working to ensure there will be no repeat of the riots in Genoa in 2001 while assistant chief constable of Lothian and Borders police, Ian Dickinson, believes it is "physically impossible" for one million people to be accommodated in Edinburgh which has a population of 450,000.

Sail 8 and Live 8 will be part of the huge Global Call to Action Against Poverty campaign which involves more than 70 countries. Britain's campaign name is Make Poverty History and was launched by Nelson Mandela in February 2005.


Boat owners and sailors will be able to register support for Sail 8 at: where a registration form and further details will be posted. Visit the Make Poverty History Campaign at

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