TWO men jumped a Securicor guard outside a Winchester bank and made off with £25,000 this week.

The courier was delivering the cash to the Royal Bank of Scotland in the High Street at 3.20pm on Wednesday.

His driver parked their dark blue Securicor van outside, when two white men, described as in their late teens or early 20s, who were in the bank and pretending to be customers, then shoved him to the ground.

They stole the plastic bag he was carrying, which contained the cash, and escaped on foot.

Detective Sergeant Steve French, of Winchester CID, said: "We are appealing for anyone who saw the men running from the building to get in touch."

He added that the men -- both thought to be unarmed -- went along High Street and turned into Southgate Street, where they might have changed their clothes.

The bag they stole was grey, and carried the Securicor logo, said DS French.

Officers are now studying security images from the bank and the surrounding streets.

A Securicor spokesman said the courier, who was wearing protective clothing, was not injured.

A Royal Bank of Scotland spokesman confirmed that none of its employees were injured during the robbery.

They added that there were no customers inside the bank when the crime took place.

Securicor is now offering a "substantial reward" for any information that leads to the robbers being caught.

Anyone with information can call DS French at Winchester CID on 0845 045 4545, or the anonymous Crimestoppers line on 0800 555 1111.