Campaigners are urging people concerned about the county's public rights of way being opened up for use by motor vehicles to contact Hampshire County Council.

The call comes following a report in last week's Hampshire Chronicle, which highlighted fears expressed by ramblers about applications for dozens of routes to be re-classified as Byways Open to All Traffic (BOATs).

They fear that the use of tracks by 4x4 vehicles and quad bikes will ruin the enjoyment of the tracks for other users, but motor organisations said they were only registering routes that they had been using for years.

John Cooper, CBE, of the Hampshire branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England said this week: "A great many people are concerned at the numerous proposals to turn tracks all over the county into BOATs.

One concern for CPRE, he added, was for wildlife, which suffers not only disturbance from motor vehicles, but also its habitat is destroyed when a path is upgraded because it may have to be widened.

Anyone who has comments or queries about the applications for BOATS throughout the county should contact rights of way officer, Andrew Smith, on 01962 846 003.

Anyone with specific enquiries or comments about a BOATs application between Hursley and Crawley should contact Maggie Blair, on 01962 847354, or e-mail her at