A GROUP of explorers is preparing to take part in a trek across Peru to raise money for charity.

The team, consisting of three employees from Honeysuckle Interiors, Rectory Road, Oakley, and the husband of one of the staff members, will fly out to Peru on June 11 to follow the Inca Trail from Cuzco to Machu Picchu.

While the route is only 36 miles, it involves climbing to altitudes of 14,500ft and will take them about a week to complete.

The group, taking part in the trek to raise money for the British Red Cross, is made up of Vicky and Neil Powell, 39 and 40, along with Mrs Powell's workmates Nicky Pengilley, 33, and Michelle Arlet-Gale, 42.

Mrs Powell said: "We cannot wait to get out there, but are worried about how we will cope with the altitude. It can make you very ill.

"We are also going to have to camp in very basic conditions, with temperatures going down well below freezing overnight.

"We have been training since January. Hopefully this training will have paid off and the trip should go well."

So far the team has managed to raise more than £10,000 for the British Red Cross. This has been achieved through sponsorship from family and friends and donations from local companies Honeysuckle Interiors, Optiplan Kitchens, A1 Bathrooms and Caf Create.

The team has also organised a number of fundraising events such as car boot sales, a charity golf day, cinema evenings and a 24-hour "stayawakeathon".

To make a donation, contact Vicky Powell on 01256 780831.

First published: Friday, June 3, 2005