YOUNGSTERS in the borough could find Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council contacting them via a mobile phone text message service.

They will also have the chance to send in their own ideas to the council by text.

The ideas are being considered by council chiefs as part of a Youth Strategy to involve young people in decision-making and to address their needs.

Councillor George Hood, Cabinet member for employment, skills and learning, introduced the ideas to the borough's learning, skills and culture committee when he put before them a draft of the Youth Strategy document.

He said that it was important because people aged 19 and below make up 26 per cent of the borough's population.

"When we met with young people, we asked what is the best way of communicating?" Cllr Hood added.

"They said it was texting - not something I had imagined. We are trying to set up incoming texting and, as time goes on, we will organise outgoing texting."

The meeting of the council's learning, skills and overview committee was also told by Claire Griffiths, head of community safety and health improvement, that the borough council will set up an interactive website aimed soley at young people and their concerns.

In the draft Youth Strategy, the young people consulted said they were worried about mental and sexual health and shared many of the same fears of crime as adults.

Councillors expressed their concerns about various issues affecting young people, including transport into town at night and the availability of nightclub entertainment.

Cllr Hood said the Cabinet was aware that 38 per cent of youngsters live in rural areas and face their own problems.

Committee chairman Ian Tilbury said he was worried that the council was only able to involve middle-class youngsters.

He said: "I think it's a question of reaching out to the ones who don't want to be reached."

First published: Friday, June 3, 2005