A BOWLS grudge match will be played in a north Hampshire village after a TV pundit made an ill-advised quip.

Eddie Wardle, 63, of Recreation Road, Odiham, was watching GMTV in April when he heard something which raised his hackles.

Mr Wardle, who is president of the Odiham and North Warnborough Bowling Club, said: "Paul Ross was reviewing shows that are coming up and it was suggested to him that celebrity bowls would be a good idea for him.

"He said he wasn't that old, so I e-mailed the programme.

"I asked how he could make such an ageist remark and if he would be prepared to take part in celebrity darts or snooker.

"At the end I added that he shouldn't criticise anything if he's not prepared to try it."

A couple of days later, Mr Wardle received a message from GMTV asking him to call them.

When he did, they told him Mr Ross had been joking and wanted to play a special challenge match against the Odiham club.

The game was supposed to be played today - but GMTV cancelled earlier in the week. The match is to be rescheduled and Mr Wardle does not expect to lose.

He said: "I've heard Paul Ross will be having some training so it might not be as easy as we thought. We're still quietly confident though."

First published: Friday, June 3, 2005