CO-OPTION: At the first of the three parish council meetings which took place last Monday evening, Alison Swanston and Rose Taplin were co-opted as parish councillors. The council now has its full complement of six councillors.

ELECTED: There then followed the council's annual meeting, at which the chairman and vice-chairman were elected (myself and Steven Gould respectively) and the various "portfolios" shared out.

Full details can be found in the news section of the website.

SURVEY: During the council's normal meeting, it was decided to hold back on commissioning an independent survey of the need for more affordable housing within the village until all councillors had been updated with the latest information on the various options.

HALL: The annual general meeting of the Memorial Hall committee takes place in the hall on Tuesday, May 17, starting at 8pm.

All residents are welcome.

After the formalities, there will be an open forum during which the committee would like residents' views on how to improve the Christmas fair, which is scheduled for Saturday, November 19.

Light refreshments will be provided.

VISIT: Tours of the newly-expanded Onyx green recycling plant in Busheywarren Lane have been organised for Ellisfield residents on Saturday, June 4.

There will be two one-hour tours of the site, starting at 10.40am and at 12.40pm.

Residents wishing to be on one of these tours are asked to let Jacqui Matthews, parish clerk, know on 381149, or by e-mail to