IN SCENES redolent of years gone by, Portchester Castle came alive as the first round of the English Heritage's Knights' Tournament launched in an explosion of battle action.

Donning spectacular plated armour, competitors role-playing as knights battled it out using real sword-fighting skills as part of a contest between four teams across the UK.

The tournament has been organised by English Heritage in a bid to recreate some of the battle scenes of yesteryear to show people what life in 15th century England would have been like.

It is the first re-creation of a real battle tournament to take place in England since 1475.

Four teams from the north, south, east and west will compete for a place in the final at Kentish Court. Spectators who made their way to the castle for the ticketed event held their breath as they watched the thrilling contest.

For more information on future events call organisers on 0870 333 1181.