Sir.-It was with some astonishment that I read the article refering to the town centre manager wanting to change the name of the Top of the Town.

Does this lady actually live in Basingstoke?

It is pretty obvious to me why it's called the Top of the Town. To reach it, you have to walk uphill from Sarum Hill, New Road, Wote Street and Church Street.

In fact, every way to get to the Top of the Town requires walking up sloping ground.

If we are to be saddled with some of the daft looney tune names as previously suggested, why not a more appropriate name?

We could call it Boozers Strip.

Everyone knows it as, and will always call it, Top of the Town so leave it as that.

-Chris Harris, Sheppard Road, Basingstoke.

Sir.-My suggestion for the change of name to the Top of the Town is Haymarket Square.

This would seem to me to reflect past use of this part of Basingstoke, which gives a sense of identity with past and present.

My personal thoughts on the suggestion of Cultural Corner are that this would not convey any link with the past.

-M Langford, Kings Orchard, Oakley.

Sir.-I cannot see the need to change the name of somewhere where everyone already refers to as Top of the Town. It is up the hill, so therefore very easy to distinguish from the bottom of the town!

Plus, everyone is used to it.

-Angela Connor, Elmwood Way, Basingstoke.

Sir.-I recently read about the proposals to rename Top of the Town to Cultural Corner.

I have lived in Basingstoke all my life, as have my parents, and feel it should remain as it has always been referred.

I know times move on but I think this idea is utterly ridiculous.

-L Compton, Black Dam, Basingstoke.

Sir.-Please do not change either the name or nature of the Top of the Town.

It is always a relief to emerge from the trash mediocrity of some of the shops, and the all-pervading smell of the caf culture down town, up into the comparative serenity of the Top of the Town.

Here, at least, one can go about one's business quietly and without any need to be street entertained.

-Top of the Town resident, Basingstoke.

Sir.-I think the name Cultural Corner should be quietly forgotten. It doesn't seem to suit Basingstoke.

Either stay with Top of the Town or change it to Old Town.

-C A Gleed, Munnings Close, Black Dam, Basingstoke.

Sir.-No one should seek to change the name Top of the Town.

It is a name that has evolved over hundreds of years and that might even be unique to Basingstoke.

This name should be respected in the same way that the old buildings in that area are now respected and much loved.

-David A Flint, Barn Lane, Oakley.

Sir.-We have supported the idea of a name change for a number of years and this has become more urgent because of the many new shoppers from outside the town who now come here to shop.

To them, Basingstoke logically has two "tops" - uphill towards the station and uphill to the older part of the town.

Old Town is less of a mouthful than Historic Town so we agree with Hannah Williams (Letters to the Editor, March 25) - let's launch Old Town.

-Debbie Reavell, Basingstoke Heritage Society.

Sir.-Was the name The Old Market ever considered? If not, I am proposing the name at this time.

The Old Market sounds prominent and the name itself distinguishes the area from town centre.

It also encompasses both the historical and cultural significance as well as giving added authority to the specialised markets that are situated permanently and temporarily in Basingstoke.

-A Bellus, address withheld.