SENIORS: The next meeting of the Hatch Warren Seniors Group will be on Thursday, at the community centre, from 1pm to 2.30pm. New faces are always welcome.

POLICE surgery: The local Hatch Warren beat officers will be at their regular monthly surgery next Tuesday, in the coffee shop at Sainsbury's, from 9.30am until 11.30am.

For anyone who has any concerns about local crime matters, or has anything they would like to discuss with the officers, this is the chance for an informal chat.

PHONE mast news: News now from Simon Preedy that mobile phone company 3 has submitted a proposal for a 15m 3G mast on the Kempshott Roundabout, close to T-Mobile's existing 11m mast.

He reports that this is just a proposal at the moment, not a formal planning application, but may become one depending on local reaction.

Anyone who would like more information on this can find it on the Kempshott community website messageboard

CONGRATULATIONS: To anyone and everyone from Hatch Warren who took part in the recent Flora London Marathon.

I'd like to say a really special "well done" to my brother, Vince.

It was his first-ever full marathon and he finished in about five-and-a-quarter hours.

He has so far raised well over £1,500 for the PBC Foundation.

If anyone would like to add to the final amount, please contact me.